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Bear Brook Stereograms

Posted by: Bear Brook Couple

Apr 7, 2000

Title: Bear Brook Stereograms This is our first attempt at submitting 3D stereogram image pairs - we don't have the technique refined yet, but we're getting there. The way it works is the viewer (you) needs to get your left eye looking at left image while your right eye is looking at the right image. The results is a 3D effect where the pictures appears to have 'depth'. The technique for combining the images is similar to random dot stereograms, so people familiar with those should do okay with these. There are two ways to accomplish the 3D effect, one is to sit about 4 feet from the computer screen and get your eyes looking at infinity (that is, both eyes pointed straight ahead as if at something a long distance away - rather than 4 feet the computer screen is). The other technique is to sit maybe 8-11 inches from the monitor and put a piece of paper or cardboard from the nose to the computer screen so that each eye can only see one image. Unfortunately, we know many people will be unable to get this effect - so they will be disappointed and we apologize in advance. For those of you who do get it to work it should be a nifty effect. Comments are appreciated, particularly on how well the effect works. We sent out these images to a small test group of Red Clouds members already and the results were mixed, but some people did get it to work as expected.

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Bear Brook Couple

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