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Kimberly & D a "doubleheader"

Posted by: Kimberly & her friend "

Jun 5, 2000

Hello crew, Here are some much requested pics! I wasn't able to make it to the party but trust me...what I had in store for memade it well worth missing! It was 'her" that made me realize thatI was certainly bi! We spent an evening together a few years ago in a hotel room in Orlando watching porno'sandI kept telling my hubby that I wantedher! He encouraged me butneedless to say my "balls" were not big enough to approachher! Anyway....just recently (3 weeks ago ) we became open with one another via email and decided that whenthey came here for Memorial Day Weekend we would give it a try! Thank God forthe long weekend because I just couldn't get enough of her! As for this past weekend... it was a miraculous event... we got a sitter, threw our clothes in the trunk and headed for MIAMI.......... I wanted more!!!!!!!!! When we got there we took off to a local "TOY" store and purchased the monster you are about to see in these pics! We also bought a few other things to go along with it, some whipped cream, a mini vibrator, some fruit flavored body gel & some nipple cuffs (a set for each of us). We then headed back to their place for a fun filled night! What a night it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we got up the next day we actually left the house for breakfast and then came back to play some more and that is when the hubbies took these pics! I told her of my request for a girl/girl contri and she was willing to help me out! I have to say these past few weekends with an old friend/new playmate has been the highlight of my year! Just in case she reads this......which I know she will.....YOU ARE THE BEST!!!! And by the way we have two of the greatest husbands to ever set foot on this PLANET! Hope you all enjoy these pics as much as I "enjoy" every moment of it all! Happy VWing!

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Kimberly & her friend "

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