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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world


Posted by: El Capitan

Feb 4, 2000

Hey gang, Kate! This is the old "Captain" again with another stroke of luck! I met this young lady [21] at a local club on last Friday night. We got to talking and I told her of my "tinkering" with photography. I then told her of the Voyeur Web and all the goings on. She then said, asked, "You think I might cut the grade to be on it?'. Holding my enthusiasm back I said, "Mmmm maybe. Let's take a few "test shots", send 'em in and see." Jazmin replied, "I am game." i spilled my Rum and Coke, my elbow slipped off the bar front, and I nearly ! Heee heee. Who would have thunk it! So I says to her in a semi slurr "You got anything to wear?" "Like what?" she asked. "Something different than you have on" I said. [She had on a pair of jeans and a striped top] She [Jaz] replied, "I have an old gold bathing suit that ties at the side in the car that I keep for emergency purposes In case I get a wild hair to go to the beach." PERFECT I though and said. She said to me "OK lets go." Having one [maybe] too many I said following me back to my place?" "Yep if you are serious and the web place is for real once I get there you will have to show me." BAM!!! I threw more money than the bar tender was owed and said "Let's get outa here". Showed her the VW page and Private Shots area, she changed and this is the result. We will be doing another shoot later this week with her in a black leather outfit. YIKES!! Enjoy, I tried... Only for you Kate and the VW Guests.

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El Capitan

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  • Petitties were worth it ... thanks for the mammaries
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