Fuck-Toy's Sweet Ass
Oct 1, 2001
Kate & Co: Here's an assortment of vid-caps of my sweet-ass wife, who's 42 years old. When we're in the mood, her nickname is Fuck-Toy. It's fitting to show her ass, as she loves it best doggie-style. She's a schoolteacher and the of our 2 kids, so I can't show her face, sorry. True fact: the first time I noticed her, almost twenty years ago, she was lying face-down on a sundeck in short-shorts. I elbowed my buddy and said "Nice ass on that one!" Little did I know I'd be showing it off for the the world via the fabulous Voyeurweb two decades later! As you can tell from the pictures, she's a lot of fun. Sigh! I'm in love. I sent this once before, but couldn't seem to spell "contri". Now she's worried her ass isn't good enough to make the cut! Don't let me down, I may never get laid again!
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