The Ex
Nov 4, 2004
We were a group of 15 from South Africa that went over to Brazil for the Grand Prix. Lucky for us there was a GREAT knockshop right across the road from us. After the GP a few of us felt horny and thought we should investigate. There were 3 Beautiful girls. I decided to take pictures of the one to share with the world. She was a bit skeptical at first but eventually really got into it and extremely horny. Had to tell her about 10 times I have enough photos. Enjoy!! Photo Comments: 1. Skeptical 2. Lets see what you have there 3. Juicy 4. Playing with her Clit 5. Open up 6.She kept on smiling and really enjoyed it 7. Ready for insertion 8. Told her I had enough but she kept going 9. One of the other girls
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