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Andromeda Goes to Fantasy Fest,2

Posted by: blacklight

Nov 7, 2001

Story: Hello to Kate and his entire VoyeurWeb crew -- Sailor, Asher, Sailor et al. And hello to all you perverts and horndogs out there on the Internet, sitting at home or at the office taking a break from grim reality to look at some otherwise ordinary chicks who just happen to have no clothes on . . . like me! The attached images were taken during a vacation in Key West, Florida from which my husband and I just returned. The trip was not entirely without its hardships and mishaps. Our tent blew over in strong winds one night, for example, and on another night the air was so diabolically hot and humid and still and the mosquitoes and flies were so relentlessly thick I thought I was going to die or go insane. But on the plus side, my husband and I got thoroughly plastered night after glorious night and enjoyed the mayhem and revelry of one of the world's great street parties -- Fantasy Fest. This year's theme: "Secrets of the Zodiac Revealed." As far as the concept of public nudity goes, this is just about the maximum possible outside of a clothing-optional resort. Everywhere you looked there were tits -- big tits, small tits, young tits, old tits, painted tits, glitter-covered tits, tits with microscopic pasties . . . and let's not forget *MY* tits! My mission this year was to collect as many beads as possible, especially the exotic and unique ones. To this end I had my upper body airbrushed and boldly took to the crowd. On Friday evening I had a pair of entwined snakes on my breasts (since this is the Chinese Year of the Snake); on Saturday evening I had the day and night sky, with the sun and clouds on one side and the moon and stars on the other. The designs were my own ideas. Both nights were wildly successful; I couldn't walk more than five feet without being stopped for photo opportunities. And every time I did stop, a group would immediately gather around and start snapping and shooting, elbowing each other out of the way, spotlights glowing and flashbulbs popping. I negotiated aggressively for the best beads I could get my hands on. To avoid smearing the paint job on my chest, I wore the beads around my waist, suspended from a makeshift belt that I threaded through the loops of my bluejeans. I estimate that 1,000 pictures were taken of me on Friday and Saturday nights combined and I'm sure that at least a few of them will wind up right here on the VoyeurWeb (if they haven't already). Hee hee hee. TO ALL OF YOU WHO TOOK MY PICTURE AND/OR GAVE ME BEADS AT FANTASY FEST, THANK YOU AND I HOPE YOU ENJOYED YOURSELVES! Meanwhile, here are just a few of the 81 views my husband captured of me. (I guess I'm going to have to send this set in a series of installments.) And to all of you who have never been to Key West -- GO! It's a great place, whether you are into history, architecture and literature (like me) or just into hanging out in bars, drinking, dancing and getting into trouble (er, like me). Please allow me to conclude with a quick political announcement. The best way to defeat terrorism is to promote and celebrate what's great about America; we must move forward toward ever-greater civil liberty and ever-greater economic prosperity instead of stumbling backward to become a paranoid police state mired in a depression. So get out there, everybody! Fearlessly exercise your personal rights and spend money!

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