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Wife's College Roommate Came To Visit

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Mar 26, 2002

It was really kinda strange.... and sexy.. and it had a very surprising ending. My wife's college roommate called us up and said she was driving across the country and would be coming through our town in about a week. Naturally we invited her to come stay with us. That night Iris, my wife, fucked my eyes out. She was much hornier than usual. She asked me if I was excited about Christina's visit. I'd never met the woman so I really didn't have any fantasies going about her. And Iris didn't have any pictures of her. But she kept asking me if it was exciting thinking about another woman in our house. Then she began to tell me about their last two years in college. Sometimes they would share a guy. Sometimes they would share another girl. I didn't know any of these things about Iris! Once they both came home with a date - Iris had a guy but Christina had picked up this chick at the gym - and the four of them got it on for two days! I got so hot hearing these stories I called in sick on Wednesday and the two of us screwed for 20 hours! But there was no telling what would happen when Christina arrived. When she got there the two of them had a full day together before I got home. That night Iris told me that Christina was even wilder than in college. But she said that she was nervous about me... she didn't want to break up our good thing. The next day I had an early meeting. My secretary stuck a note in front of me about midway through the meeting and said that my wife had called and wanted me to call her urgently. As soon as I could I called home. Iris answered and told me to come home NOW! When I got there Iris was tied to the bed spread eagle and Christina was eating her. She wiggled her butt at me and told me to take her from behind... She wanted me to push her into Iris's pussy with the of my thrusts. I didn't last very long! But Iris kept coming and coming. And Christina came too. Then we went to dinner. I brought along the digital cam to get some pix of the two of them. Christina asked me if I would take some shots of her when we got home. She directed all of these shots you see here. I'll send them in two contris... there's a surprise twist to this tale in the second part

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