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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

*NT My Wife's Interest in Flashing

Posted by: Keith

Sep 4, 2002

Hello, Kate/Voyeurweb! I have been a visitor to your site for several years. Now I'd like to make my first contribution. I must admit that part of what spurred me on was the chance to win a prize, I'd buy my own digital cam with it, instead of borrowing my 's. If she only knew what I was using it for! My wife's interest in flashing (and sex in general );) ) has increased lately, so here's the story behing the pics. The first few in our bedroom were taken the first time we borrowed the camera, several months ago. Then we planned to go out for my birthday recently, and I told Kryssy that she'd be exposing herself a lot more than she had ever done before. She said she was up for it, so I "requisitioned" the camera again. After having a few at a favorite bar, we snapped a pic by a stop sign, then a small mall near where I work, where we could see the cars passing by behind me; followed by a cornfield and a park with a swimming hole nearby. Then we went to another bar, and played some pool, where Kryssy flashed me quite a bit. When she needed to pee I suggested taking some in the men's room, but a guy beat us there so I followed her into the ladies'. When we left, we took a few more behind the bar. I also have some video, of Kryssy getting caught naked in the hallway in our apartment building awhile back, and of her streaking across a bigger, busier parking lot near that last bar on my birthday- I'll have to see if I can get some stills from it. Enjoy the pics, and we welcome any comments!

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