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Erotika Fair 2004, Sao Paulo-Brazil 1

Posted by: Eric & Karen

Jun 25, 2004

Facts and impressions, by Mr Anal Intruder: Dr PussyLover and I grabbed our cameras in that cold & rainy Sunday evening in Sampa SinCity. Dropped by our Guruís home for a couple of shots of Capt Jack; ìdrinking on Holy Ground protects you, increases your mojo and chances of captureî, He says. Headed towards Erotika Fair 2004 under a Bible red sky. Got sort of disappointed at first. Things looked like a RPG board, crowded with demons, ogres and dragons. Decided to drop by some educational quarter then. The lecture on Anal Sex seemed too much shallow to my existential issues, preferences and maneuvers. Grundstuffel, in der Wirklichkeit. The audience comprised the kind of people who remove butter from their breakfast after watching "The Last Tango in Paris". They were worried about parochial matters, and kept asking Alice's questions such as "Hey Doc, why does it hurt?" u.s.w. And then pearls like ìWell, well, well milady, as my grandma used to say, ëthereís no gain without painíÖî would come out from the so-called expertís mouth. ARGHHH!!! Felt utterly uncomfortable and misplaced. Not even the slightest chance of getting into more advanced approaches, like Gyotaku (a.k.a. The Holy Shroud Technique), or basic survival instructions, such as the spit & Coke duo (does Fanta produce the same friction coefficient? I myself canít affirm that; further testing and discussion is imperative!). To sum up, a pitiful total loss of initiative. Finally, right there, in front of my eyes, just before throwing the towel, I found these true Brazilian beauties. In such a place, these babes looked like the Nymphs around the Fountain of Salmacis. Here follows the results. Hope you like it. Any ladies in SinCity willing to get in touch, simply play the drums or send me smoke signs. Sir Kate & the gang, congrats for this superb website. Love & kisses to the gals, AI

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