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Sam: Showing It All!

Posted by: Samantha

Feb 27, 2007

I read on one of the comments on my last contri to Voyeurweb that the reason people are responding so much to my pictures is because they are "down to earth". I have no idea what that means, but thank you. I'm just glad you guys like me! It's an kickass boost to my ego!I am not really good at this, I will be the first to admit that. A few times I have thought that I wasn't going to send any more pictures in, but then I do and it works out. I try to make sure that I have the right kind of pictures for you guys, and that they are pretty racy within my own personal limits. Despite what most of you probably think I don't just get naked for anyone on a daily basis! I have some friends that would be SHOCKED to know I do this, and I admit that's kinda fun to think about.Don't get me wrong, go to the site I made and you can read about all the dirty things I do. I pretty much spell it all out and some of the stories I have told have even got me in trouble! I'm not kidding, but what the hell, I think you only live once right? I guess I'm just saying that my friend isn't pro photographer and I'm not some model (obviously!), and we pretty much get our ideas from this site and try to put something together you guys will get a kick out of. So far you guys have been nothing but supportive and this has been pretty fun, so thanks for being patient with me and thanks for making a nerdy girl feel pretty!I know I had a point in there somewhere....hmmmm. ;-)

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