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Ibbi posing in lingerie

Posted by: Leif

Feb 14, 2000

Hi Kate and rest of the staff. Thanks for a great site. I have been looking at it for a while and have now decided that we are moving from being only voyeurs to also being "flashers". We are a married couple from the west coast of Sweden. When I got a 10 year old film developed we found these "outrageously dirty pics" of my beloved wife since 25 years. We can call her Ibbi. At first she wanted to destroy them but I succeeded in convincing her to keep them because they where so old and she was only 35 y o on the pics. They where shote after a birthday party at my in law. Later at our home, when I came in to the bedroom to crawl into bed, she turned on the lights. I just stirred and started to drawl. She turned and rolled around. When I got ready to throw myself over her she got out of bed, telling me to lay absolutely still. "Holey cow, what is up now" I thought. After what seemed like for ever (more likely 30 seconds) she was back whit my camera. "Take some pics" she said. "You have always wanted to take fotos of me in the nude, why don´t you do it now ". So I toke these pics. Now I want the rest of you guys and gals to share her with me. Put out my e-mail because if there is good response from the voyeurs, I maybe can convince her of taking the lingerie on for a new foto session. We would like that eh? Comments are welcome. Please let us be anonymous. Thanks

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