Betty's Pearl Necklace
Posted by: Betty
Feb 4, 2001
Hi,Kate,Sailor and the rest of the Red Clouds crew. Bob and I have not had a chance to send a contribution lately. But the drought is over now. Bob and I have had four photo sessions in the past two weeks. I feel it's only proper to send a sample of the 300 pictures we've taken during these sessions. THE SEX WAS GREAT. I got a pair of FUCK ME SHOES today and plan to send some pictures of me wearing them. In case you didn't notice, from my prior contributions,I am really in to stiletto heels,slutty outfits,bondage,headjobs,sex toys and of course, Bob's tongue.Bob thought I ought to have one more thing--- A PEARL NECKLACE!!! Hope everyone enjoys the pictures. There are more to cum (ha ha)!
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