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St Martins beach

Posted by: VW

Jun 3, 1998

The following photos were taken on the clothing optional beach, OrientBay, on St Martin last fall and this spring. There's a nude beach in frontof the resort, Club Orient, but the rest of the 3 mile beach is clothingoptional. Most of the women are topless, and as you'll soon see, some gonude. Cameras aren't allowed in front of Club Orient, but they're allowedand in full use along the rest of the beach. I've split the e-mail intotwo parts because of the size (17 photos). The guy in StMar9 was one ofthe few dicks on the beach. Looking at him in his thong, you'd think hewas an exhibitionist. His wife was nude most of the time, and frequentlywalked from her chair down to the water to cool off. The hubby apparentlythought he had to show his wife his macho side, because he confronted oneguy who'd taken a picture of the two of them in their thongs. He jammedhis finger in the guy's chest and apparently complained about his photobeing taken. Thongman was clueless. There were at least 30 of us takinghis wife's picture every time she got up. The beach is a favorite of thecruise ship crowd, so everyone has a camera. The folks in StMar12 changedclothes at the end of the nude section (where cameras aren't allowed), butright in front of the restaurant (where cameras are allowed) where I waseating lunch. I guess these are more for the nude in public section, thanthe voyeur section since most of the people knew their picture was beingtaken by someone. I used a 140 zoom to avoid confrontations. Here are therest of my St Martin photos. The girl in StMart2 is the wife of the machoman who didn't want his photo taken. She was obviously not too worried aboutit since I took these while sitting at a restaurant picnic bench on theclothing optional section of the beach

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