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Thors II Dallas Babes

Posted by: Cheers from Thor II.

Feb 14, 1999

Kate: part two of Nude in Public . Am sending these because Nude in Public shows up a lot faster than private shots. I've got I don't know how many submissions to P.S. in your backlog right now, including "Patsy," "Lael," and "Blondie." But dammit, you never answered my question about angry females who discover they are displayed on the Internet. I don't expect you'll answer now, because I think you take a sadistic glee in ignoring questions like this. DON'T PUBLISH MY EMAIL!!!!!! Heya Kate. Decided to send some mediocre pix to the Nude in Public section because the backlog isn't so interminably long there. Might have to send in two submissions. You asked, in "Dallas Girls," how come I have so many photos. Some are of ex-girlfriends, some are of acquaintances ... but a lot of them are from an amateur photo club (defunct) called L.A. Images that existed in Dallas. This guy, Steve M., advertised in the Dallas Observer; for $30 or $40, guys could bring their own cameras and film, and Steve supplied the models. No idea how he recruited them, because there were some real "girl-next-door" types among them, not just sleazy strippers. Anyway, I think you should start a drive to get other Voyeurweb fans to start such clubs. Sort of a recruiting ground for your site. One question: In addition to hundreds of still photos, I have a LOT of video footage (Mardi Gras, etc.). Problem is, I have an iMac, and they tell me there are no video capture devices with USB at this time for iMac. Any ideas? Hey, I know this is a long message, but viewers need something to read while they wait for the download, don't they?

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Cheers from Thor II.

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