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Yb Nikki

Posted by: Nikki ;)~

Nov 8, 2002

Nikki~ is co-head cheerleader at VW School, although some think the term “Head bi-cheerleader” might be a better term. She and Mistress Nina keep the school spirit alive at all the times with their enthusiasm and innovative cheers. There isn’t a person at the school that doesn’t smile when they see Nikki~ bouncing down the hall, with a smile on her face and light in her eyes. Nikki~ is there at every sports event. Cheering on Track Star Meg at all the races, turning cartwheels when the opponents are attempting to run by her (hard to run by Nikki when she is doing her patented pantiless cartwheels). Meg has never lost a race when her good luck charm Nikki was there. Coach Heide and Coach Cherokee and Coach Francesca are all part of a joint cheerleading coaching team. They often crowd around Nikki~ giving advice and taking turns lifting her in the air and staring upwards….. Nikki~ is more than just a beautiful cheerleader, she is very academically oriented. She excels in almost any class from Ms.Denice’s cooking and home econ class or Ms. Lauren’s sewing and home econ class, to the extended orchestra sessions with Ms. OHwife learning the fine art of blowing to produce a low moaning sound from an instrument. Her help in Ms. Dee’s sex education class as a demonstration model has gotten her lots of extra credit, and made her very popular around campus. Perhaps her only downfall with the staff has been with Ms. Merci the Librarian. Nikki~ often returns books late but is such a good sport about the extended tongue lashing she gets each time. She is good friends with the other Nicki at VW School, the school queen, and helped her get nominated by lobbying various students, one on one. She is often seen laughing with class clown Banjo, and even joined in his infamous “Moon over Kate Day”, unfortunately they were both called to Principal HH office and disciplined with the “buzzing bunny”….

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Nikki ;)~

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