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Over 27 years of Archived Content from Real Amateurs around the world

Lucky Walk

Posted by: Edgewood

Nov 20, 2020

I was recently backing up my 2019 photos from my phone and discovered a lucky catch that I was unaware of at the time.  I had a conference last April on Hilton Head Island and stayed at the Marriott right on Hilton Head Beach.  One morning I took a walk along the ocean front, walking along the coast in front of what has to be multi-million dollar properties. About 40 minutes into the walk, the morning haze began to burn off as the sun became high over head and the temperature really started to rise.  I decided I would take the next walkway that cut between the properties to the street and walk back to the hotel under the tree canopy lining the street just to get some shade. When I came to the next pathway, it was under construction so I continued on.  As I got to the next path, there was tape indicating that it too, was under construction, but I could see that they had not yet begun to tear it out.  So I ducked under the tape and made my way the few hundred yards toward the street.  The walkway was lined on both sides with a very thick hedgerow giving a good level of privacy to the homeowners.  As I walked I could sense the enormity of these homes and their gorgeous backyards, so when I had an opportunity, I reached my camera over the hedges and snapped a couple of pictures to see what the backyards looked like. I took a few pictures and quickly looked at them on my phone, with the bright sun I could see the pictures, but the glare prevented me from seeing any details.  I walked back to the hotel and quickly forgot about the pictures. So you can imagine my surprise when I was backing up my phone pictures onto my home computer with a much larger screen and discovered a nude sunbather in the corner of a couple of shots.  As a long time viewer (decades), but never contributor, I decided to share my finding with the voyeurweb community.  I've "enjoyed" these pictures a few times imaging the sunbather is the ultra rich home owner.

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