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TopKat Shares A Little More

Posted by: Daniel & Nadja

Sep 19, 2002

HelloVW Crewand Friends, We arevery happyto see all the great responses for our first contri,it was so sweet of everyone to be so kind. Weare hoping to getmore feedback from everyone. Wehope that everyone likesour pictures and would like to see more from us. Felix and I just came back from VS with some new outfits for our next photo shoot. We are very excited about this very sexy pink teddy in particular.We really would love to hear from you all. Please let us know what youthink. Thanks again for everything. "Note From Felix" - I am a B&W freak, I find it very sexy and erotic and I use it often. I wanted to give TopKat a nice treatment for her grand voyage and will use it more in the future. We will have many more photo sessions and I will make sure that we include color shots as well for those of you that enjoy that style. One more thing we would like to address is the showing of face.We promise to always provide everyone here with very sexy and erotic pictures, and we commend the people that show their faces on here.Due to our profession we are in the public eye and have discussed the matter at lengthand we chose to keep our identity private for now. I don't like to blur facesso I will always use a camera angle that hides the face and will try to never have to blur. We may choose to rethink that at a later date but for now we want to maintain our privacy. We hope that everyone understands our position. Thank you so very much. Kisses

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Daniel & Nadja

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