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Slut Housewife Sucks Cock

Posted by: Slutty Housewife

Feb 11, 2008

Well, you guys wrote so many nice comments on my last submission and you kept asking to see pics of me sucking cock. Blush. Well, here they are. My husband says I'm the best cocksucker in the world, but that's only because he's never had my sister suck him off. She is probably the best ever. I know because we both gave blowjobs to the same guys in college and they rated us. She was always number one. But I could be a close second, or third, maybe. I've been doing it since I was a teen-ager and I didn't like it at first, but I gradually grew to love it. Now I would rather suck than almost anything. Blowjobs are so much easier and more convenient that fucking. You can swallow cum instead of having it ooze down your thigh all day after being fucked. And you can do it all day if you want and not get sore. Also, you get to see all that hot cum spurting out of a big cock when you blow. When you fuck, it gets spurted inside you and you don't see it until it oozes down your leg later. I have sucked guys off in cars, on a plane, in public restrooms, elevators, parks, in an office, storage rooms, on a bus, on the beach, on a boat, in hotels, motels, anyplace I could do it without getting into trouble. I like big thick ones and it's fun to watch them spurt that hot cum on me, especially on my tits. My sister has much bigger tits, but I think I have a cuter ass. A clue for you, her name starts with "P." My starts with "S." We have a third sister "L." In college we called each other blowjob sisters because we used to tell each other about the guys we sucked off, and who was really good and who was really big, and who shot the biggest load, etc. I hope whoever comments on the pictures for Voyeurweb says something ...nice? Or even better, something nasty. I like nasty. Makes me wet. You may see me shopping in the mall sometime, and you won't even know I'm thinking what it would be like to blow you. Thank goodness my kids are grown and out of the house, or I wouldn't be able to do this. I hope they don't look at this site. Will leave my email for you guys inside, okay? Thanks.

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