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Jessica In The Sun

Posted by: Miss Kitty

May 6, 2008

Hey guys. My last contribution I sent in from my sun drenched yard got such a good response I decided to do it again and get some different angles that I missed last time. I'm submitting these in Voyeurweb and Redclouds, and I also have a video in Homeclips taken at the same time if you are able to view those I invite you to do so. Or you can go to my website view my free message board. Did I say free? Yes free, won't cost you a dime to sign up and see more pictures and interact with me. There you can read more about me and view my new blog I call "Sex files". My blog is really just getting started so keep tuned for more entries, it is a diary of sorts on my sexual adventures both good and bad, so it comes from my heart, and hmm somewhere else too, LOL. So I hope you'll check out my message board and sign up and leave me a message, I love hearing from my fans. You know I'm looking for a new female playmate, if any sensuous attractive girls are interested in the Northern KY area drop me a line we might becum friends. Oh and by the way I want to hear from the girl, not some boyfriend who says his girl is interested, I see right through that! If your girl is interested let me hear from her! Gotta go now, kisses and slurps to all you guys and girls.Mmmm girls I love em.xoxo,Jessica

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Miss Kitty

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