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*fw Sativa Has It Her Way!

Posted by: Sativa

Feb 11, 2006

*FW Sativa Has It Her Way! When I read about the new contest this month on VW (and all the wonderful comments of encouragement in my posts) I thought about a fantasy I had since I was in school. This is to go through a drive-thru naked. I always wanted to know I made someones day or kept the crew laughing and talking about this nudist chick streaking by their window (perhaps make the off duty workers jealous?) So my friend and I order 6 burgers, 2 fries, and a soda to keep them busy getting our stuff, so my girlfriend could snap all these shots!! Hope you enjoyed this because it certainly made my day! Photo Comments: 1- I was already driving naked from my home to the ordering station right up to the first window where I confused the man giving me change. I was exicted!! 2- Smiling for the camera as the worker closes the window yet can't stop looking! 3- Now I'm at window 2 to get my "happy meal". I'm first helped by a woman who is startled and I believe tells the man in the background with the red neckline 4- The woman is now hunched over screaming in laughter while the man in the background is staring at me through the window. 5- His exact words to me when he opened the window "uhhh... what are you doing naked?" 6-"Hey I'm having fun, live a little!" We both laugh and get a great happy shot (see this is proof mcdonald's serves you with a smile). 7-Still smiling from recent events but my food is just sitting on the counter 8-While my food waits the word is spreading throughout the staff that I'm sitting naked at the pick-up window. 9-Okay I see they are prepping my soda. My number one rule is to have fun and always play it safe. When I drive I buckle up!! 10-Hmm... interesting the ladies that work there are starting to come check things out. No kiss good-bye? ~Peace Love & Happiness

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