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California Naked Adventure

Posted by: Tina F.

Oct 21, 2002

I took Norseman to California for his birthday. It was a great gift to give him because he let me run around naked all week long and take pictures for the Scavenger Hunt! We started in Santa Cruz at the Boardwalk for the "roller coaster" and "parking meter" dares. Then to the Santa Cruz yacht harbor to get a "newspaper" for the hunt. We traveled along Highway 17 and did the "phone" dare at the Summit in the Santa Cruz Mountains. In Sacramento we found an Army Base for the "Military" dare at the original Quartermasters Headquarters building. Then downtown we saw the UPS van parked and thought it would work for the "delivery" dare. We walked a little farther and found the library for the "library" dare.....that was the scariest! I knew for sure the librarian was gonna catch me! I kept ducking down and hiding behind the shelves....begging for my dress back as quietly as I could. haha! We made our way North up to Whiskeytown where we found a great place for the "post office" dare. Then we spent the day 4-wheeling up Shasta Bally, I did the whole trek naked! That was a real kick. At the very top is this communications station....so we did pictures for the "telecom" dare and the "weather" was so beautiful we thought we throw that dare in too! It was really incredible up there and I even saw some airplanes real close...I'm not sure if they saw me but it was lots of fun! California is beautiful and we had one of our funnest vacations ever! Thanks everyone for all the sweet and wonderful comments that were left on my other contris....it's always fun to share my adventures with ya'll! Love, Heide

I'm wondering what this guy is thinking.....haha! He drove so slow, and Norseman said if he came much closer to run!

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Tina F.

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