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Wife-Dream 44: Sleeping

Posted by: T & D

Nov 11, 2002

I had dreamed of taking pictures of my wife for years. I got a digital camera and one day surprised her with it while she was changing. She thought I was joking, then realized it was for real and ran for the bed to hide. She wouldn't let me take the pictures. I did what any real man would do in such a situation. I begged. She said ok. I got a couple of pics. She insisted I delete them immediately. I did. Too bad she doesn't know about deleted file recovery. This fantasy fulfillment got me really worked up. My wife was tired and didn't want to humour me later. I tossed and turned and woke up constantly. About 3am I realized she was in deep and decided to risk some sleeping shots. It took me almost 30 minutes to unbutton her PJs and get the covers off without waking her. Then she must have gotten warm because she kicked off her covers and was mostly exposed. I share these pics with you I have covered up almost all identifiers in the pictures. She has no idea that I am posting these. She would me if she knew. It turns me on to think of thousands of men staring at her. She doesn't think she is very good looking, but she turns my crank in a very hard way. All negative comments will be happily ignored.

She was trying to hide herself from the camera, but I had pulled away the covers. She was laughing and didn't think I was serious.

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T & D

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