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*Yb Cherokee, Soccer Coach

Posted by: cherokee

Nov 13, 2002

VW Soccer Coach Cherokee is one of the most influential members of the staff at VW School. She gives selflessly of her time to her team and to other staff members, teaching them all kinds of innovative ways to handle balls, take care of an opponent who is a talented dribbler, and how to consistently score. Coach Cherokee works with the other VW School Coaches, Track Coach Heide and Gym Teacher Francesca , to identify and work with certain budding atheletes for cross training. Track star Meg has been under all three coaches at one time or another. While some other schools may have coaches complaining about sharing offices, these three coaches seem to relish the plush office they all share with the large over stuffed couch and plentiful mirrors. You can often hear them in there for hours giggling and we assume excercising based on the sounds coming from behind the closed door. Coach Cherokee works with a lot of the potentially problem students. She is close with the Truancy Queen Rose, the Bad Girl Trio of Dela, Celeste, and Giselle and has even hosted all night lock in's at the gym for all of them. Apparently they didn't get much as they reportedly were exhausted the next morning, but had been out of trouble for a full 24 hours (a record for that group). Coach Cherokee works well with the staff at VW School. She often meets for long sessions with Principal HH to go over discipline procedures at the school to make sure they are fair and equitable for the students. She is a close personal friend of VW Librarian Merci and helps her in the library often and has even been involved in assisting Merci with the tongue lashings adiministered to students with overdue library books. Apparently there is nothing like that double team on someone.... Cherokee has helped Ms.BZ the art teacher by both modeling for body fingerpainting and assisting her with the students when teaching body fingerpainting. Cherokee is always willing to lend a hand..... *wink* Coach Cherokee is a valued component of the VW School and is best know as the coach that "Knows how to handle the balls and blows more than just the whistle".

Damon: Cherokee wins every game with her distraction tactics..

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