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Keppers Fall Day

Posted by: Kepper

Nov 14, 1999

After being nudged here n there in my mail to send in a few more contris I decided to but only on ONE condition. My usual name was not gonna be in the title. The Story: My husband and I decided to make good use of the sunny cold brisk day and do some pics in the woods. He had found the perfect spot earlier and wanted me to see the view. The leaves were at their peak with bright colors and the sun just made them glow even brighter. We drove up to the mountain and parked. Hiked down the side of it about 2 miles to a remote area. Oh this was gonna be a great day to take pics and then have some fun inbetween *wink*....some RC material yanno. Now..mind you..we HIKED down the side of this mountain...NO houses around..its a damn weekday...No people right? WRONG!!!!!!!!! 3 guys come down the path behind us in just minutes!!!!! GRRRRRRR We staggered down into the crevice where there is a small waterfall and the rocks are glistening in the sun....THE GUYS CAME DOWN TOO!!!!! grrrrrrrrr Ok..lets move and wait til they leave we both thought. tum de dum....waiting..waiting...fuckers aint leavin!!!! grrrrrr Screw it I say... They were 30 feet from me..thru a few trees...I could make out their clothing on occasion thru the leaves. I stood on the rock and just took off my clothes...Hubby's jaw dropped. "Kepper...they might see you...I see them..they are RIGHT THERE!!!" I reply " I dont care, I was here first. I didnt hike down that mountain for NOTHING! I am NOT about to waste this beautiful day!!!! If they see...THEY SEE..." I stood on the rock that had a small stream running over it (looks black in the pics if I didnt crop it out) Had my heels cuz I wasnt sure what we were gonna do. Good thing I had them cuz I wasnt about to have that cold mountain water soak my boots!!! TOOOOOOO COLD!!!!! BRRRRRR Now..as I stood there nekky in the sun peeking thru the leaves..I hear those men... banging on the rocks...*clank clank clank* Hubby takes some pics but very nervous. He whispers "I can't see them now" and the clanking did stop. Hmmmm "so what" I say...if they see they see... Lets have fun." He goes back to taking pics...there is no clanking noise..hmmmmm After a few shots the clanking starts again and my hubby sees one of the men. Some more pics..clanking stops...no man....hmmmmmm Now..did those men see what was up? Notice we had a tripod and were peeking? hmmmm dunno..too many leaves and couldnt see them. After those 'soft' shots we waited for them to leave...sat on a nice little nubble overlooking the valley. The men were back to clanking on the rocks and this time did not pause. Hmmmmmm Screw it..I was gettin really cold now as the wind was picking up and the sun getting lower. No RC from here sadly! Woulda been nice to see the valley and mountains in the background in full Peak season!!!! We climbed up the crevice..me holding my bra and wet heels in one hand and hubby holding the tripod and the camera. Walked past the men and they decided to strike up convo. I just smiled and wondered...*who was peeking?* but you really know me as * * * * * *wink to rico and Lustylin*

Damon: Ok... my eyes are closed... not looking... I know eggsactly who this is... I don;t even need to look at this pictures... that unconventionl conversational tone of your story... plus... I never forget anything about a a woman who has carnal knowledge with lawn maintenence equipment... ok.. opening eyes.... Ahhha!!! I knew it

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