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Mary Ann Was Wrong, Part 5: You Asked for IT!

Posted by: nwmocpl

Dec 27, 1999

Hi, this is Mary Ann writing to you. Thank you for making me the Number 2 for October. First time ever doing anything like this...ever!! And I come in second of hundreds of entries from around the world!! Now, I have received alot of mail. Some of it really should have directed to my oldest sister, Brandy. But thanks anyway. You all wrote asking to see all the family. I guess we are the Von Trappe family of Katemanialand. Well, let me tell you, we have traded some very pretty pictures, especially with a beauty named Di. Maybe you could all send Di a message on the message board asking her to pose. She is very gorgeous! Today I'm sending you one more of me and one of Brandy (lest you forget us) and I now introduce Sonia, who is 25 (I am 21 and Brandy is 30). Sonia is the conservative, blue blazer, Republican Club firecracker of the group, soI never even asked her to pose. I "knew" she would never consider posing. Now, when Sonia got married she was a 23 year old virgin. Her husband, Harry, is in the air and in Germany this Fall, but she is completely faithful. I guess he is, too. Harry saw me and Brandy on the Voyeurweb, Kate, and called Sonia on the satellite downlink to tellher how pretty her sisters are. In fact, he had the nerve to tell Sonia how many times he came looking at me and Brandy. The nerve of some men, honestly!! Such swine!! (LOL) Well,now he will find his pretty little Sonia on the web. Hope he isn't mad. Sonia looks more like Brandy than me, I think, but we both inherited Mom's small breasts. Joe Zee Dog and Brandy send their best. (I think there is something going on between Joe Zee Dog and Brandy. Should I put a stop to it folks?)

Damon: Well.. I think if there is something going on.. you should try to collect evidence.. such as images from your digital camera... you should then deliver this precious evidence to the Clerk of the Voyeurweb Court, Jerry so that District Attorney Asher may mount a case that fowl play is occuring... all to be deliberated in front of the Honorable Judge Kate, of course..............................

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