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More Kat

Posted by: Shooter and Kat

Dec 13, 1999

Hi Kate, Asher, Voyeurweb Staff and Members! Well, by popular demand and many many requests, here is more from Kat again. As you'll recall she is my very sexy 28 year old female 'friend' I did shots for a while back, and her first contri was called "The Kat's Ass" (#PS08179). It took so long for her contri to be posted that she was on the verge of asking me to withdraw her pics from the contest completely (she thought nobody liked her), but then they finally appeared. I got her on the phone immediately and read your responses... she was just blown away and *loved* your comments! When I reminded her that she had said she'd send more pictures if you liked her first contri she said "well go ahead!" so here they are. Many of you on the b.b. have asked if she would do a contri for Redclouds and due to your comments she says she *will* but only if she wins the contest and can afford a digital camera since she's really nervous about photo labs... If you like what you see please vote for her... if she wins you'll be seeing a *lot* more shots of her here. She'd like to hear from both male and female viewers as she is very bi, so don't forget to leave more positive feedback on the b.b. if you like what you see... Oh by the way, we managed to fish my email address out of the jacuzzi tub after the pics were done but somehow it got lost in bed while we were picking these shots together... wonder how that happened??? ;) Enjoy the shots and vote for Kat in the *SR* contest if you want to see her do lots more *and* Red Clouds! Take care... Note from Kat: Thank you for leaving me all the nice mail. You're all really sweet and know how to make me feel really good. I didn't believe I'd get such a big reaction, but really loved every moment of it, so thanks for all the attention and kind words! Hope you like the new pictures! I still have enough left for one more contri, so tell me if you want to see them! Love,

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Shooter and Kat

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