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Lora's Red Dress (2 Years Later)

Posted by: VW

Aug 13, 2000

Hi Kate, Asher, Jerry and friends, It's hard to believe, but it has been two years that I have been posting on Voyeurweb! This set recalls the second set I ever sent in. We took some pics in July of 1998 of me posing in a red velvet dress. Back then, we had no digital camera and I was still scared to show my face. So, what we sent in were scanned, blurred polaroids. I was shocked and flattered when I learned that I had won the monthly contest for Private Shots in August 1998. We eventually took the prize money and put it towards a digital camera which we have been using ever since. This new set of pictures features that red velvet dress and my matching velvet panties and bra...the same ones I wore two years ago. We even took a few Red Clouds pics after these which I'll be sending along soon. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful VW crew past and present as well as all my friends and fans who have supported my contris over the past two years. I would especially like to thank all the wonderful women I have had the pleasure of posting with: Phoebe (my first and most special friend), Amy (the fearless woman with the warmest heart), Elli (my newest partner in crime) and last of all Mistress Nina (you know how much I love you and I'm fortunate to have you as my dear friend). If it were not for Voyeurweb, some of our paths would have never crossed and I'm so grateful to Kate for that. Thanks again to all my online friends, if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here. I hope to hear from you all on the BB! Kisses, Lora

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All Comments (1)
  • Very sexy sensual for the mammaries, babe, where are you now, Lora!?!?!
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