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Wyn Gets Her 3some!

Posted by: Flattop n Wyn

Nov 11, 2001

Wyn has been wantingastraight malefor a MFM threesome for quite sometime. We have searched sites all over the net looking fora local male with our same sexual interests. I found this ad that looked like someone Wyn would be interested in, he seemed to be pretty compatible, so I left thead open to show Wyn when she got home. Wyn walked in, read the ad and said "I know this guy!!!!, we were friendsyears ago and YESI aminterested!!!!!!!".She started an email guessing game with him to see if he would remember herand to his credit he guessed who she was after just a few clues. He thought we were a good match too!! We met that weekend.........After afew , great conversation and lots of laughs about this unbelievable reunion, Wyn knew what she wanted......... BOTH OF US AT ONCE!!!!! We were on our feet and escorting her out of there the instan! t she mentioned a room.She went up alone while we parked. We talked on our way upabout how incredible this would beand how this threesome would leave her wanting more. Within moments of meeting us at the door, Wynwas undressing and going down on him!!!! Heaskedme if we brought our camera .......and whatthe hell I was waiting for as I watched Wynsuck him deeper into her mouth. We never thought it would be so difficult to get three people in one picture, but hey.....it was about the sex and the pics, well....they were unexpected!! Let us know what you think, all of your e-contri comments have been great!!! Keepem cummin and so will we. P.S. To our new/old friend THANKS for everything. Looking forward toanother time!

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Flattop n Wyn

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All Comments (2)
  • Any video of this hot encounter?
  • Wyn is a phenomenal hottie. Love the pics. Absolute beauty
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