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Realsexplay Getting Caught In The Woods 1

Posted by: RealSexPlay

Jul 15, 2003

This was a fun day,We stopped up at the lake and were hanging out by the water,I saw a guy fishing down at the cove and knew he would soon be up close to us.He would have had to go back to the path to get up to where we were so I took my boyfriend, who didn't know someone was fishing the cove,back to the path.I un-did my dress and left it wide open showing everything.I kept looking down the path,knowing that he would soon be walking down it.I laid out our blanket and told my boyfriend that I wanted to have sex right here,but I wanted to make sure that we were alone,So as he laid there I stood looking down the path still showing everything.Then it happened,I saw him,I made ssure I was in a spot that he could also se me,but I didn't let him know that I saw him as he walked toward me and my botfriend.I sat by my boyfriend and started to give him a blow job,I looked down the path and the guy was about 20 feet away behind a tree watching me.I made sure that I was the one facing this guy and that he could see everything.I then got on my boyfriend still facing this guy and began having sex with him.I was cumming like crazy.Then I told my boyfriend that I had a feeling we were being watched. AS he started to cum,I pushed down on him as he filled me up with his cum. I didn't want this to end so I kept him inside me and kept riding him giving this guy one hell of a show as he now was masterbating as he watched us.I was now getting extremely wet. I will finish the rest of the story under RealSexPlay part 2,Luv ya all Carrie

Just waiting to see him.As I saw him,and turned away so he wouldn't know I knew he was there,and I lifted up my dress showing him that we were naked.And the shhow began.......

Damon: Carrie puts on such a good forest floor show..

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