Bliss Merry Christmas Part 2
Posted by: Bliss and Jim
Dec 28, 2001
Well Merry Christmas to all of you at Voyeurweb, and A very Happy, Safe and Secure New Year to all of you also. We will see you all back here soon after the Holidays are over and hope you like our little end of the year treat. It has been an unbelievable year for Bliss and I, and its all been because of the Awesome people that give us this great site and those of you that frequent it and seem to like what we do. Be sure to watch our site for more of these and our continued updates. And again MERRY CHRISTMAS and A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to all.
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Damon: Safe indeed... hey... speaking of which, can you guys out there do me a favor, if anyone knows the lineup of concerts in Times Square for New Years.... can you email me where it is? thanks in advance.... its Asher at Or if someone can send me a backstage pass... even better, mu-ha-ha-ha