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Lil Squirt - A Few More

Posted by: Lil Squirt

Apr 18, 2002

Thanks to everyone for the overwhelming response to our April 10th posting!!! Sorry that we just don't have the time (or the stamina in our fingers) to reply individually to everyone. We have read each of the 170 comments so far and appreciate the kind words, encouragement and suggestions--all nice exceptfor onemisguided fellow (say "baaaaa" to your wife from us). Instead we'll try to use the time to take and post more pics for your viewing pleasure. In response to some questions about the last sub: pic #10 is also in the Keys, #8 is Miami International Airport, #7 is in a Kohls dept store, and the rest are all semi-local spots. #2 was a spur of the moment thing when we were stopped at a traffic light. Asfor trade requests, we aren't really interested in doing that right now. We have tried it, but it can get to be time consuming, and we just don't have that much to go around these days!Lil Squirt is 30ish, of 2 (hence the lack of time :-), and for those who asked "just a hair under 5' tall." We were also chastised repeatedly for not including any "butt" pics, so we tried to atone with this submission! Info on this series: #1 foot bridge at a local park, #2 at a Friendly's restuarant, #3 Walmart, #4 playground, #5 Grocery store, #6 local fishing spot, #7 Cement company parking lot, #8 local diner (duh!), #9 1:00 am about 50 yds off Duval St. in Key West (still quite a few folks in the area, although you can't tell), #10 Damn locked restrooms!

Damon: Yeah i thought that was MIA.... one of the worst, misguided, mis-managed, ancient, draconion airports in America... if they could only tax all the drugs & contra going thru it, they would have enough money to finish the expansion... the expansion, mind you, is like 6 Billion dollars too much... it really is a travesty....

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Lil Squirt

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