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*PA Lina in By Bathtub

Posted by:

May 13, 2002

My bathroom are turning in to a photostudio. After seeing the last shots posted, all of my friends wants their picture taken in my tub. these ones of my friend from work Lina were taken two weeks ago and both of us absolutely loves them Remark from Kate: Sure - All your friends want to have their picture taken in your tub. Let me tell you something: Never ever try to make an idiot out of me! I know about 30 photosets, which are all over the internet - and all those sets were taken in the very same bathroom. Plus your friend Lina from work....Where the fuck do you work, if she is your friend from work? I am asking because she is all over the internet too...blowjob pictures, anal pictures, gazillions of sets. Seems that we located a proadult black sheep here... Let me tell you something: I advised the PA crew to check every single picture at your PA site (which is a commercial site in case you didnt know..which means selling copyrighted material is industrial theft) and if we come across one single picture which is owned by someone else and you were trying to sell that to our valued viewers, you will be in very very deep ...very deep . God knows how much I hate people who submit copyrighted pictures....but now I see that there might be a species out there which is even worse..people who are trying to sell stolen pictures. I have no evidence yet, but I will find out. Kate

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