Young Girl Alone at The Resort Swimming Pool
Jul 8, 2002
Estuvimos 8 inolvidales días en Vera, Almeria, España.Complejo paradisiaco, 3 piscinas, jaccuzzi, bañera redonda privada, todos los asistentes desnudos, buen tiempo. Hicimos mil y una travesuras, y ella cada vez más insaciable. Condones de mil sabores, colores y texturas, y los primeros vibradores, bolas chinas y anillos del amor, y lo mejor es que hay videos y fotos para gozarlo aun por mucho tiempo. He descubierto a una chica estupenda que quiere cada dia más y más, y que espero ser capaz de satisfacer. Si los comentarios apropiados, respondemos a cuantos españoles nos escriban, para conocernos, intercambiar archivos o quedar para hacernos visitas. We were 8 outstanding days in Vera-Almeria-Spain. Paradise, 3 swimmingpools, jaccuzzi, private round bath, everyone around as nude as new, good weather. We did thousand of naughty things, and she asked for more every minute. Hundreds of flavours, colours & texture condoms, and the first dildos, chinese balls & love rings, and the best part is that we still have our videos & photos to arouse ourselves again for a long time.I have discovered a marvellous girl, that each day asks for more, and that I wish capable of satisfying. If comments are nice, we will answer as many emails as possible, please understand that without help it wont be possible.
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Damon: ..AHHH! What in creation is that! A third breast!