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Blown Away

Posted by: amazed

Jun 12, 2004

Had been working long wicked hours, wife had been feeling badly negelected,I had been home on this night after an almost 16 hr day, about 20 minutes later a buddy stopped by to check how our bids online were doing, MAN! this made her really bitchy! She went stomping into the master bath to get ready for bed, dont know how long she was in there while me & Buddy were bidding & surfing web. She came strutting into the bedroom with a snotty (fuck you asshole) look wearing this outfit! She really was trying to embarass & piss me off in front of our (my) friend, It worked!! I really thought to myself " FUCK YOU, you dumb bitch, you dont have the balls!" Buddy was clearly "uneasy" and said he didnt want to cause problems and was leaving. I told him that was her plan and to just fuckin ignore her, that was easier said than done as she was clearly doing little "poses" and showing off to get a reaction. I KNEW she would NEVER go any farther than this. Just this alone AMAZED and totally floored me! I told her if she wanted to parade around like a slut then go for it, & grabbed my digital camera off the computer stand figuring she would bolt for the bathroom, WRONG, she just got more "arrogant". "Fine! go ahead and hang yourself you stupid bitch, I'll go with the flow and show you!" WELL she did show us! Turned and looked me right in the eye and informed ME! That she WAS GOING to suck his dick in front of me. (yeah right!) SUprise! She started to rub him through his jeans, unbuttoned them, slid em down his legs, and proceeded to stroke, lick and suck his cock on the spot! He was very uneasy about all this. I told him "fuck it, just go with it since it looks like it must be her fuckin call.I Figured if she wants it like this, then We'll fuck the out of her and teach her a lesson! I dropped my jeans and slid into her from behind and flat out started pounding her pussy while she was sucking buddy, he tensed and started cummin in her mouth which made her moan even louder while she swallowed ALMOST every drop, this in turn set me off, pulled out of her soaking puss and shot the biggest, most intense load, of my life! It hit her in back of the head, on her back, her ass and was runnin down the crack of her shaved puss, It was all sooo fuckin hot, that for the next few hours we fucked her in so many different combinations and she was a wildwoman cummin back for more and more. I came twice, Buddy said he had 3 monster gushers, the wife said she had a total of 5 for the night, 2 of which were sooo intense that they scared her when she all but blacked out for a few moments when they ripped through her. Shortly after all was said and done Buddy thanked us several times before he went home. Later she asked if I was mad at her, told her I had been but wasn't NOW! WAS an AMAZING first time for all of us! She asked if maybe We could do it again sometime, I told her" ITS YOUR CALL" Was so busy but did get some pics, will get more next time.

Testy AND bitchy

Damon: Welcome, you Amazing WOMAN you!

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