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Logan I Think I Am Turning Japanese

Posted by: Logan

Nov 26, 2004

So you want to know what the worse thing about being half Japanese is? I look REALLY REALLY young. Yeah sure....some of ya'll out there are just thinking, "sounds sweet!"....but it's not.... ...and I will tell you why.... So I went to Victoria's Secret to get some hot undies to show off in some sets...because one of my friends work there...so while shopping I am telling her about what my friends and I am doing with the site and my friend thinks its so awesome...and that she has always wanted to do something like that....and I am trying to convince her to let Nick or I to take pictures of her...when some crazy woman who works there too FREAKED out on me! She was totally yelling at me! She started saying I was WAY to young to do this and what was I thinking, and its probably illegal, and blah blah blah....and I am like, "LADY, how OLD do you think I am?" She got this blank look on her face and said she thought I was in high school or something, when I told her how old I was she got all red and said she was sorry. Then she started helping me pick out panties....in fact the ones I am wearing in this set are the ones she helped me pick out!?! She said I would look "hot" in them! These are the things that happen in my life..... Do you see what I go through just to be able do get naked for you? Maybe I should change something so I don't look so young....maybe the hair? Hmmm....

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All Comments (1)
  • you look much better WITHOUT clothes on!!!  you are fucking HOT naked!!!
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