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Impropmtu Cock Sucking

Posted by: fntsycpl

Nov 22, 2009

About six months after wife's first threesome, we were at a convention. and were getting ready to go out for a casual evening. I was teasingly asking her if there were any guys she'd like to flirt with and bring back to the room. She said, "I don't know." I said, "how about I name a few and you say suck, fuck or no." she laughed and said ok!Bill? "No," Tom? "suck," Dave? "No," Andy? "hmmm, what if I would suck and fuck him?" I replied, "then say suck and fuck!" lol She responded, "oh, I think I'd like to suck and fuck him!" Chad? "mmm, maybe suck."There there was a knock at the hotel room door. It was Andy. He said, "What time did you guys want to meet to talk about tomorrow's convention plans? oh, and did I hear Chad's name? Did you invite him, cause we don't get along too well?" I laughed and said, "no, that was nothing... How about 10am?" Andy said, "ok. I was just curious. I had heard my name, and some laughing then I heard Chad's name as I knocked on the door." I told him it was nothing, that we were just having some fun while getting ready to leave for dinner. Andy kept pressing wondering why we were talking about Chad and him. Finally I said, "I was teasing her, asking if there were any guys here she would do naughty things with in theory! So we were just laughing about that" then I wispered, "she said she would suck and fuck you." and I chuckled. Andy said, "your wife wouldn't suck my dick!" I said, shh... She told us both, "I just heard you!"

As he told me she wouldn't, she walked over to undo his pants and said, "I'd go down on you."

Damon: Like in an elevator Sugar?

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