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Nikki The Year In Pictures Pt. 4

Posted by: Nikki

Feb 10, 2005

Happy New Year Kate, Jerry, Asher, Blue, Crew and all you Voyeurwebbers! You cannot imagine how awesome it was to win the Super Sexy Award for December. Thank you so much all for the votes, support, and your wonderful comments, both on my feedback board, and on the bulletin boards. You guys rock! ;)~   2004 was my 5th year posting pictures to VW and it is still a blast every time I see my photos posted. Every year we take 1000s of shots and I share my very favorite here, but not all of them. Some of the others are decent pictures, but for whatever reason they never make it to VW. Maybe there are too few for a whole contri, or maybe they are too much like my last contri, or maybe the set goes straight up on my PA site, while others shots come here. Well this year I thought I would try to share the whole year in a couple of contris made up of my favorite shots you may not have seen. I hope you enjoy my trip down memory lane! If you like my pictures and would like to see me more often, check out my ProAdult Site by following the link in this contri. With new updates every ten days or so, there is always something new and exciting to keep your interest. So grab your favorite vice, and come join me! Love Ya, Nikki ;)~

The very best thing about summer is that it's warm enough to get away with some very skimpy clothing . ;)~ 

Damon: Nikki is lookin' good...

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