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Exs Get Back Together Part 1

Posted by: Racers X

Feb 4, 2005

Used to be that I didn't care for any kind of pornography. My X and I used to have disagreements about that topic occasionally. X tried to introduce soft(?)porn into our lives and I didn't care for it, most likely 'cause it was his idea. Don't get me wrong! We played with a camera before, but it wasn't anything to explicit. It took loosing him to realize what he had actually tried too do. He was just trying to help broaden my horizons:) and make our sex lives more open to ideas. It was surprising when he called me one day out of the blue and asked me to stop over whenever I had a moment. This is unheard of for him to just call so I HAD to see what was up! I stopped over at his place and he showed me this site and a couple others like it and gave me the scoop on them... I guess the fact that I missed him so much (and by the bulge in his pants - he missed me) kind of made me overlook the fact of what he was showing me...But then after he explained everything and I nav'd around the sites some... I wasn't upset at all (and the fact that I missed him so much didn't help either). OK, I could post nude privately (semi anyways) along with all these other hot girls and possibly win an AwArd $$. Ok X I am in! So here is our first contribution to VW and RC. I want to give a SHOUT OUT to Kate and The Crew > You Guys ROCK!! I have been looking around the site now for a couple months and watching the contributions and just going thru it all and I find it all awesome!! I also participated in some Posting on RC >>> My new friends "Luckycpl" and I had a wonderful experience!! Hi Guys!! So as I said here is our "Maiden" contri. How far I go is determined by the ratings and comments... I mean a girl wouldn't do this if she felt unwanted, right? Best Wishes Everyone....ENJOY xxx(I know I did!!)

So Here Is ME ! All 5' 7" @ 118lbs of it! I was actually trying to figure out what to do when 'X' said "Hold It! That's Perfect!"

Damon: Love how she nibbles on her glasses ;)

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Racers X

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