1st Lady Bugs Of Bognolia
Posted by: Bimbini
Mar 19, 2005
Thanks once again to Kate, Blue and the crew. I thought it would be about right to let you all know the meaning of 'Bugs'. Well, so I've been told by Bimbini, that once I like somebody enuff and they in turn like me as much, given their email addys and/or contact phone number. I then will pester that person constantly, daily. He say's it's like being bugged, what ever that means? !! I'm 46 and a of two teenage , or haven't you noticed? Lol!! I hope you like these next pics, as much as I enjoy doing them for you. Kisses and hugs Bugs. xxoXXoxx
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Oh, hi!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> I was wondering when you were going to pop in again!!
Damon: Hi Bugs!