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Indecent (Design) Proposal

Posted by: Tiger Damen

Apr 18, 2010

This is a re-post from 2 years ago, I'll explain:I met The Athlete via one of my freelance jobs, a recreational sports league. At the time, I just helped out with their site a little, nothing too significant. I noticed her right away at a staff meeting because she's almost 6' with a huge smile and tits to match. She plays several sports and her body shows it - lean but not drawn, firm but still womanly. Our first conversation came of me mentioning a road trip to one of her favorite cities. I, of course, quickly got the subject switched to one of greater interest to me. Everything was progressing well until she got cold feet about the deal. I was left with my dick in my hand, she wasn't budging.Then I got a break. She had been given the task of getting a brochure printed for the league, but hadn't made any progress and the deadline was approaching. In short, I told her I'd get the brochure designed and ready for printing in 3 days - in exchange for this pictorial and all the things we talked about before. So why am I reposting? After a couple years our paths have crossed again and this time she asked me to do a site for her personally. If things go to plan, my fee will again include a pictorial - at least ;-)She has a decent self-image, but she loves flattery all the same. If you enjoy even one aspect of the contri, please take a moment to comment. I promise the next contri will be better.

A fitting intro to the contri, it shows the kind of length The Athlete has.

Damon: gotta figure that out..!

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Tiger Damen

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