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Cynthia K - Hardcore Pep Talk.

Posted by: Cynthia K.

Aug 27, 2005

Cynthia K - Hardcore Pep Talk. - Thus far my summer has been relatively quiet, and I have to admit that I'm a bit disappointed in myself. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this girl still hasn't found much to go wild over. LOL. My flatmate and I have resigned ourselves to evenings of drinking Molson and watching reality television. Thankfully, I've been able to spend some time reading over the comments here and catching up on emails through my website. At the risk of sounding like a *total* dork, I sat myself down for a pep-talk about my so-called sex life. I'm happy to report that it went well, and I'm inspired to try and make progress on things with Brandon, the boy I was seeing awhile back who's in all those dirty sex videos and photos with me on my site. I found out through a mutual friend that he does feels conflict over some of what we did sexually, which is amazing considering I was able to get over *my* own issues enough to even let him have anal sex with me--on camera, no less. LOL. But the funniest part is that our mutual friend was surprised that I wasn't a virgin, and I guess there was once a rumor that I had signed a pledge. LOL. I'm feeling upbeat though, because I'm having lunch with Brandon this week, so we'll have to see what happens. My flatmate suggested that I don't wear anything under my skirt. She convinced me to take a few photos to see how it looks. I have to say that it's a good idea, and besides, as she puts it, "it gets him one step closer to inside you." Good lord! :)

I would hope that a skirt sends the right message.

Damon: Cynthia, I have hope!

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Cynthia K.

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All Comments (1)
  • Mmmmmm !!!!! more please , any big fun toy's to tease us too ?,, thanks ncdave28570@
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