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Pantieless Wife: *NS Lisa At Public Park

Posted by: Mr. Hubby

Aug 22, 2010

One date night riding in the car, Lisa gave me a devilish grin and then showed me she was not wearing panties under her dress.... I knew that meant it was fun time. She told me that we should go to a park near our house and have a little fun. I got out the camera and followed her around the park taking pics as she teased me. I would love to say how in public it was, but there were not as many people there as we were hoping... one dude did walk by right after she pulled her dress down, but not sure if he saw anything. It was still fun because we were close to a road and could have had people coming down the paths at any moment. Turns out Lisa had planned the entire thing... she wanted to have sex in the park... once we finished taking photos, i approached her from behind and pushed her up against one of the railings... i pulled her skirt up in the front and rubbed her in all the right places until she had an orgasm. She then sat me down on the bench, unzipped my pants, pulled up her skirt and sat down on my lap. The reason i knew she planned it: after I finished she pulled out some tissue to catch my cum running down her leg after we finished.... Anyhoo, hope you enjoy the pics... it was a fun date night. :)Sorry for blur the face... she is a professional and of 3 and can't risk it. Thanks!

First peek in the car... she pulled up her dress a little

Damon: Hello and welcome to VoyeurWeb today, Lisa!

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