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Nude Amateur Nikki, Pt 2

Posted by: Thanatos

Sep 6, 2010

Because of the nature of some of the comments on the first Nikki contribution...That "pro lighting"? Was two home made light stands, each with a pair of 500W halogen spot lights (like you might light your yards), clamped to a length of PVC tubing, bracketed to a round plywood base. Nothing "pro"; just CHEAP! Was experimenting reflecting the light off walls, off the ceiling, behind her, etc... Used the Ektachrome because halogen is close enough to the same light temperature as tungsten to avoid the color shift... Red sheets and comforter give a certain contrast to the skin tones... And that "bordello" was my own bedroom. Guess if I am being accused of stealing Playboy or Penthouse photos? I was doing "something" correctly... $50 lighting, or not.No filters. No photoshop. No retouching. Just honest photography.That is a 100%, pure, bonafide natural young female athlete chest, nothing "plastic" or "enhanced" about it, just posed mostly with her back arched, shoulders back, her arms lifted, or on her back to give a more pleasing form. Was reminding her constantly so those breasts would not sag...Yes, I am aware of the damage to the slides from storage, and the cheap ass slide scanner that I "threw away" ten years ago - but salvaged to convert these slides to digital images - do nothing but detract from the original quality, but... it is what it is. Nikki was insecure about her appearance; I was doing my damnedest to "knock her socks off" with the results, to give her something she did not see in her own mirror, reshape her self-image.

Not the best of images, but... several individuals requested more... and I have not located the rest of the shoot from the binders where the slides are hiding, stored long ago.

Damon: she is a cutie alright!

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