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Golden Blonde Bush @ The Nude Beach!!!

Posted by: VW

Sep 20, 2010

What more is there to say. I went to the beach and as I was walking along looking for a good place to park my towel and enjoy looking at some naked ass I spotted something amazing. It was a young woman with the most bushy blonde pussy I have ever seen in my life. This is not an exaggeration, this girl had a huge bush! Normally im the kind of guy who enjoys a really well shaved pussy but this young lady had a golden muff that was just hypnotic!Not to be one to miss a rare chance at an up close look at such a natural blonde bush I waited for the right moment and when she headed to the water I decided that was my chance to set up camp. So I waited, and I waited and I waited for like half an hour and just as I was about to give up on getting a shot of that soft furry blonde pussy, out she comes from the water. I scurried to get my cam in position as she dried off and as I did she began to make a phone call. To my surprise she seemed to like the attention that I and several other men where giving her as you can hear them in the background making comments about this hot piece of ass that was in our faces. She also made sure she was facing all of us and seemed to be very aware of all the eyes that were on her especially mine!I was nervous and she kept pacing around near me so I did not want to get busted but i did my best to keep her in sight as she struck a pose for me and the rest of the crowd as she was talking on the phone. Then I got a shot of that golden bush and I was hooked! I was happy to just get that shot but since I had such a nice spot and great view and angle of her towel and chair I waited for more. And guess what, she gave me and the rest of the guys a little show. You know, when the girls start dusting sand off their bodies and all of a sudden their dusting sand off their tits, ass, and pussies. Well, thats exactly what she did! The whole time I was just in awe of that golden hairy bush in the sun and how perfect it looked. Like I said im a shaved pussy guy but this girl may have converted me to bush lover. Im hooked on that hairy blonde pussy!

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