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Sandfly Project Mayhem!

Posted by: Sandfly

May 21, 2011

It LIVES! New tech, new era, resurrected Sandfly. LIVE right now =================================== Could I stay away? Could I fuck. Along came the evil Apple empire and put their iphone in me hand. And lo, a regenerated Sandfly was birthed in a bar in a small town in the midst of a rainstorm (think Alien 4...). ========================================= And the TWITTER monster caught my eye. Live, thought I? LIVE? FROM THE BEACH? =================================== So I'm here, NOW, tweeting from the sands as you read this checking out these shots - sent as damn well live as the voyeurweb can allow. Taken only DAYS ago from the heat and humidity. Read all about it on my twitter account (set up a TWATTER account for you haters...), the highs, the lows the equipment failures and the snatched gems of moments! ===================== Follow my shenanigans NOW - I've been recording my progress this last week on Twitter - just sign up and 'follow' theSandfly and FEEL the live pussy =========================================== Been gone so long - long enough to say I told you so: those Black Sea fakers, tuttutut, beguiling the simpletons of the world with their flummery and pretty fakery. Nothing REAL. Shallow entertainment and still at the multi-nic-paid-for-pic game - they are Private Benjamin and Gi Jane to the Sandfly's Director's cut of Saving Private Ryan and Apocalypse Now. ======================== I am real, I am alive, the voyeurism is REAL and almost LIVE. ===================== Join the ride NOW. Jump in, for Project Mayhem will be one of the biggest surprise events on the web this year. Or any year. Tweeting as we speak right now at theSandfly. See the LIVE beach reports. THIS will be the year of the Sandfly. Here's a few the ladies that have been prancing about gloriously naked in front of me just these past few MOMENTS...

Back with Bazooka Beth striding the beach my first day. Tweeted those beauties, plus...

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All Comments (1)
  • Can you say "gaw-rainey?" I thought you could! Oh well, technology has come a long way since 2011.
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