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WePlay2Gether - Super Duper Ballsy Dong 02

Posted by:

Mar 13, 2001

Hello Everyone, The following two sets of pictures were taken after receiving one of my 'Wish List' gifts from a loyal fan. Luckily for all of you he was gracious enough to allow me to share them with you. These are his favorite 20 pictures from a set of 48, the rest of the pictures will be available on our website: http://fans.redclouds.com/weplay2gether. This is an excerpt of what I wrote to him after taking the pictures: "The Super Duper Ballsy Dong finally arrived! It certainly lives up to its name, this thing is huge. You will see in the pictures exactly how large it is. At first I was a little nervous and apprehensive about being able to handle something this large butas Iwrapped both hands around this monster and began to rub it against my pussy I could feel myself getting slack and very wet with anticipation. After afew minutes of this play and lots of lube I was desperate to feel it inside of me. Very slowly I began to push its massive head past my lips, then with a little help from my boyfriend it slid all the way inside and filled me completely. The feeling was like none I have felt before, it literally took my breath away. I just had to try all of my favorite positions. But the one that topped the list was me on my kneesusing my weight to push this gigantic cock all the way inside me while sucking on my boyfriend's cock. Ithelped completethe fantasy of me fucking two men at once." Thank you very much Slyone for sending me this present.

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