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One Night In Bangkok

Posted by: PhileasFogg

Jan 24, 2012

Actually it was more than one night but it is one night in particular, which I want to share with you as it made our stay more memorable than I ever imagined. As we were in the city where anything goes, my husband, helped by a couple of vodkas, convinced me that I should put on my newly purchased Thai silk dress and head to town for a few more . I bought the dress thinking it was more for the bedroom than public!! One hour later and we were sitting in a private corner of one of the popular bars frequented by Western expats. Although the dress was doing its best to cover my curves it was clearly struggling to contain my breasts, especially when I lent forward. As the evening progressed and more were consumed, my husband instructed me to stop trying to keep the dress in place and see what happened. Slowly but surely, my breasts, barely covered by my flimsy peephole bra, began to surface. I desperately wanted to protect my modesty but my husband placed his hand firmly on mine to stop me. Although we were in a relatively quiet and private part of the bar, it was now getting much busier and it was not long before a couple of guys standing at the bar noticed my ever emerging cleavage and decided to move to a table near by to get a better look. My husband and I smiled at each other as they pretended to be engrossed in conversation, but it was obvious where their eyes and interest really lay. As the dress had stopped moving southwards on its own my husband, under the pretence of putting his arm around me, slowly pulled it down further on one side so that my left breast and exposed nipple became ever more visible. As his was the first time we had ever embarked on such an adventure I was incredibly nervous but at the same time excited. More so when I saw the appreciative looks on on the faces of our two new found friends across the way. I think that I was content to stop at this point as I was already showing more of myself in public than I had ever done. My husband insisted however that the show must go on. Although I protested, in truth, a certain part of my body was telling me that I was actually enjoying the experience! With a whispered instruction from my husband I slowly changed my sating position so that my already short dress rode ever further up my thighs. I took comfort in the fact that my legs were crossed but as we approached the finale I got a knowing luck from my hubbie that it was time to open my legs and let the two guys really see what I was made of. Although I was wearing panties I really made their evening as they covered very little of what they were meant to hide. At this point we brought the show to a close, quickly finished our and headed back to the hotel to share and enjoy our experience. I hope you like what you see, if you do, I might be tempted to go further.

Damon: Hey Babs, looking hot and sexy in that outfit...

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