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Christine--By Request

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Oct 28, 1999

CHRISTINE--BY REQUEST Wow! A lot of you made some nice comments on the BBS about the body of Christine, my live-in sweetie. She still doesn't know that her bush and body have been seen from Sydney to Seattle to Sophia, and who knows what other planets? (Kate, are your bits accessedon Mars?) Because of requests for additional shots of her bod, I've included a few more of Christine invarious state of dress and undress. She is still unaware that the camera is running during those times because the camera is always on the side table for viewing movies in bed. Somebody wanted me to place my hand on her breast. I'm happy to fulfill requests. You didn't say which hand or breast so I used my right hand on her left breast. I hope that doesn't make viewing too complicated. Here are some of the kind comments laid on the BBS (I didn't include their e-mail addresses): (Those of you who don't read the BBS don't know what you're missing.) I don't think the first one was talking about me, PP. The second one forgot to include Mars. I'm sure the third one was talking about me. PP 1. you are indeed very attractive and the owner of a very sexy body 2. ...in the future, the voyeurs of the world with your consent, would be appreciative to see you again in your full glory....thanks for hearing us out, we appreciate your beauty. Good luck to you PP! 3. What a fine body an a truly great ass. Hope to see more of her sweet butt! don't tell her, just keep sending these pics, please! 4. Yes her body is still incredibly nice..instant hardon material. You lucky s.o.b. Hope it's not lethal rage. Naw..she looks too nice to turn on you 5. Your W\G has an awesome body, would've liked to have seen you with some of her tit in your hand. She's got a realy nice ass, thanks for sharing her 6. How refreshing! I don't care what anybody says about 'pictures of g/f's, wife's or lover's not being true voyeurism', this is work at its finest. In my opinion, this is a winner. Any possibilities of more? Thanks for the submit.

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