Posted by: Call me Adam
Aug 18, 1998
Hi guys, this is my first contri with my new scanner that I just got. It is of my 28 year old wife Julie striking a few poses. We just started taking some pix, but she took right to it so I am expectingthings will heat up every week! She doesn't know that I am doing this.....yet I wish I didn't have to black out her face because she is pretty hot,but I have friends that are on here that would come across her eventually. Look forward to hearing some feedback.
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Damon: ..geeez...Adam...read the fucking manual of that scanner please!!...yourwife looks great, but we need a microscope to see her!!!....try to scanat a pixel resolution of 600 and then process the image with your photosoftware. Resize the picture to 72 dpi and a dimension of roundabout 600*600and then save it with JPG compression rate 5 please!