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Tan Lines

Posted by: The Man Himself

Aug 2, 1998

STORY: Hi Kate, I find your site fascinating - been surfing for a few monthsnow, and just procured a scanner-thought it was time for a contri. These photos of the gf were taken during a beach trip July '96.ÝHere in #1, we see the ubiquitous application of lotion to the potentiallyexposed epidermal layer. the tan lines in #2 are a result of one day inthe sun(!), a common occurrence among pale skinnedÝ women of Norwegiandescent. Photo #3 is a classic reverse-WFI pose (if you invert the image, youget a WFI lying upside down on a bed stuck to the ceiling!Ý Here,see what I mean (image 4) -- But I digress) . As you can tell, she's around 5' 10"; a perfect height in my book- I can say with a certain amount of applicable research (with federal fundingand a five year grant, I'll submit my findings to 'Biology' and even citereferences - any takers?) that the breasts are getting larger with age,if not the waistline -- a remarkable accomplishment. I will contri some more recent photos (with the 'breast' examples Ican produce - thanks for the mammaries, hon) soon if these receive favorablefeedback. By the way, I was driving home from work today and saw a maroon FordExplorer with the license plate 'RED CLD 3' on it.....anyone we know, guys? A gentleman in his late thirties (perhaps) , talking on his cellular,it appears...."Hey, Zak! Have you seen 'Shower Pics #3'? HoF!!!" FROM: please withhold name, etc. to protect the guilty. ;). Keep up the good work.... Kate? That was my . My name is pronounced 'Eye-gore'...."- Marty Feldman in 'Young Frankenstein'

Damon: ..well..elt me check the plates first..I need to go to the windownow...and here I am back...Zaks plate is "ZAKK1"...Eric plateis "CONTRI9"..hehehe...did not know that.....Junes plate is "65530FB8"...meansnothing I guess....and my plate is "HMGRWN"..hehehe..I dont rememberwhat that should mean...hehehe...no other car in front of the office rightnow...maybe Tom has got REDCD3..he will come later and I will check...

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